Quilicura Weather
Current: 13.24°C/55.83°F, Wind SW at 9.0 km/h, 91% Humidity, 100% Chance of rain
- Quilicura Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Quilicura over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Quilicura in the coming days
- Rainfall in Quilicura in the coming days
- Región Metropolitana de Santiago's weather
- Comments
Current conditions
Updated: 21:32 PM Tuesday 08 October 2024
Light Rain
Condition: Light Rain
Pressure: 1,019 hPa
Sea level: 1,019 hPa
Temperature: 13°C
Cloud: 100%
Humidity: 91%
Wind: SW 7.6 km/h
Visibility: 10,000 m
27 Sep
Overcast Clouds
28 Sep
Overcast Clouds
29 Sep
Overcast Clouds
30 Sep
Overcast Clouds
01 Oct
Broken Clouds
Hourly forecast today:
22:00 PM
13° / 14°
13° / 14°
Light Rain
9.0 km/h
23:00 PM
13° / 14°
13° / 14°
Light Rain
6.66 km/h
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 22.97°C
- Average low 12.03°C
- Hottest day (24 October 2024) 27.2°C
- Coldest day (21 October 2024) 9.78°C
- Average humidity 46.57%
- Days with precipitation 2 days
- Highest precipitation 0.36 mm (09 October 2024)
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 23°C
- Min: 13°C
- Total Precipitation: 0 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Región Metropolitana de Santiago over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Región Metropolitana de Santiago in the coming days
Rainfall in Región Metropolitana de Santiago in the coming days
Región Metropolitana de Santiago's weather
- Apoquindo
- Banos de Colina
- Barrancas
- Buin
- Calera de Tango
- Caleu
- Casas de El Retiro
- Curacavi
- El Crucero
- Huelquen
- La Cisterna
- La Islita
- Las Palmas
- Lonquen
- Melipilla
- Nunoa
- Penalolen
- Polpaico
- Puente Alto
- Rungue
- San Joaquin
- San Juan
- San Ramon
- Los Cerrillos
- Padre Hurtado
- Isla de Maipo
- Independencia
- Asiento Viejo
- Bajos de Mena
- Alto de Jahuel
- Estacion Colina
- Estacion Central
- Villa Alhue
- San Gabriel
- San Enrique
- San Alfonso
- Providencia
- Maria Pinto
- El Trebolar
- Cerro Navia
- Alfalfalito
- Lo Barnechea
- Casas de Chacabuco
- Cajon de los Valle
- Alicia de Penaflor
- Valdivia de Paine
- Talagante
- San Jose de Maipo
- Quincanque
- Quilicura
- Pataguilla
- Montenegro
- Los Rulos
- Lo Chacon
- Las Condes
- La Pintana
- La Granja
- El Volcan
- La Florida
- El Canelo
- Cerrillos
- El Bosque
- Carrascal
- Barranca de Piche
- Pedro Aguirre Cerda
- Angostura
- Banos del Tupungato
- Paine
- Renca
- Maipu
- Lampa
- Macul
- Vitacura
- Santiago
- Recoleta
- Pudahuel
- Penaflor
- Lo Prado
- Linderos
- La Reina
- El Sauce
- Hospital
- El Monte
- Conchali
- Bollenar
- Nos
- Viluco
- Tiltil
- Pirque
- Espejo
- Colina
- Batuco
- Malloco
- Pomaire
- La Obra
- Caracha
- San Bernardo
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Air quality
Unhealthy air quality, health risks for all, emergency conditions possible
- CO 393.87
- NH3 0.64
- NO 0.2
- NO2 3.13
- O3 140.19
- PM10 53.97
- PM25 46.06
- SO2 16.21
Sunrise / Sunset
17:09 PM
05:50 AM